MAJOR WIN: SCOTUS rules Christian schools can’t be denied ESAs, vouchers, or tax credits.

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The United States Supreme Court has made one of the most consequential decisions determining the future of our republic. All across America, public schools have been indoctrinating children with radical opinionated ideologies that advocate for genital mutilation, sexual promiscuity discouraging childbearing, drug normalization, and other propaganda proven to destroy entire civilizations. Public education manufactures mediocrity over excellence, promoting hedonism as only ‘modern’ ethical standard. That changes today.

Christian public school teachers who have sought to be the light in the darkness of the abyss have been fired over their adherence to purity, morality, and faith. They’ve then been replaced with heretics who preach their ignorant fictitious ramblings as facts. Confused children are then tested whether they will follow their God or the false teachings of their false ‘teachers.’ A slew of court precedents have efficiently created public pagan education as an institution in this country, until now.

In a 6-3 decision, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that all states are mandated to provide public subsidization of religious educational institutions. This means that Christian primary and secondary schools are now able to get their entire funding from state governments, if they offer education savings accounts, vouchers, or a tax credit program.

This landmark ruling emphasizes the importance of both faith and education in children’s developmental years. True education consists of searching and finding the answers for our existence, understanding our past, preserving our foundational traditions, and building a prosperous and moral future. Without religious doctrines, rooted in our western Christian traditions, this is impossible.

During the early formation of this country, Christian theology and secular learning were merged together. Christian theology is an area of scholastic study, and children should be taught these basic moral precepts at an early age. It is these doctrines along with internal regeneration that has produced the best of humanity.

Prior to this decision, children were forced to attend schools where they were lectured by atheistic teachers who attempted to inspire concepts of heathenistic paganism within their impressionable minds. Many public school teachers have even been known to present books to their pupils centered around dark arts, desensitizing them at an early age to the occult, witchcraft, and parables encouraging them to ‘do what thou wilt.’ This was a major loss for pagan ‘education.’

Whether it was Harvard, Princeton, Yale, or Dartmouth, each of these once highly revered ivy league institutions of higher learning owe their origin to Christian denominations.

Harvard’s original ‘Rules and Precepts’ stated, “Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the maine end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottome, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisedome, Let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seeke it of him (Prov. 2:3).”

Our fathers understood that true knowledge and wisdom cannot be found without Christ. This was an exceptional win for people of faith, morality, our children, our families, and the future of our republic.

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