Oppose HB 302, legalizing abortion after a heartbeat is detected.

2 mins read

The Family Policy Council of WV remains in opposition to HB 302. Currently, as the law stands, abortion is illegal in the state of West Virginia. However, due to a ruling by an activist liberal circuit court judge, the law is being obstructed from being enforced.

This Legislature has failed to uphold the rule of law and has neglected to perform one of its largest responsibilities, and that is to serve as a check on the other branches of government when they act outside of their authority. For years, pro-life legislators and organizations were told that a ‘trigger-law’ was not necessary to ensure the re-activation and enforcement of Chapter 61. This occurred as recently as this last session, when The Family Policy Council attempted to amend pro-life legislation to include such.

Words cannot express the level of disappointment we have regarding the proposal of this dreadful re-introduction.

The Family Policy Council of WV remains in opposition to HB 302. Again, as the law stands, abortion is illegal in the state of West Virginia. However, due to a ruling by a hyper-partisan leftist judge, the law is being obstructed from being enforced.

When a corrupt liberal judge used junk jurisprudence to invalidate a law everyone believed to be active, this legislative body will have made the decision to do nothing to prevent such a ruling both now and in the future. The fact that a republican supermajority cannot find the votes to facilitate such a reasonable and rational compromise directly targeting judicial interference creates deep despondency with the direction of this body.

The visible urgency shown by pro-abortion lawmakers is due to the fact that we are expecting to pick-up approximately 6 additional pro-life senators next year. Therefore, rather than drafting legislation that deals with unlawful judicial interference by state courts, they have decided to make this entire session about creating exemptions to infant homicide.

This bill will allow permitted abortions to take place after a fetal heartbeat is detected, remove criminal penalties for doctors that perform an abortion, and also establish the practice of abortion as being a “woman’s right” in the state of West Virginia.

I’m reminded of the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 23, when direct democracy was used to put-to-death the most innocent man who ever walked the face of the earth. Now, some are arguing that the most innocent form of life existing in the world today should be justifiably executed due to presumed popular sovereignty. Some things never change, except this time, we know what we do. And any lawmaker who votes in support of this bill knows exactly what they do. If Pilate himself would have made the decision, he would have executed Barabas, sparing the innocent life of Christ our Lord. But rather than using his authority to make the proper decision that he knew to be moral, he instead allowed the decision to be made using popular sovereignty and the innocent was executed.

For two millennia, great wisdom has been found in scripture, and this story serves in-part as a foundation of our Christian faith. To hear the story of Christ and learn nothing from it is to live in a world consumed by darkness. We have a responsibility to ensure that West Virginia is never consumed by darkness, and a greater responsibility to ensure that we ourselves are never consumed by darkness. This Legislature has the ability to make the decision that Pilate regrettably did not make; to spare the life of the innocent.

With a clear choice being visibly apparent, it appears this republican supermajority will choose death over life.

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